Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Definitely the end!

Below are a few screen shots from imovie where i created my final animation. They are mostly showing the alterations i needed to do i.e, fitting my images to the screen and making the timings between them as small as possible. Imovie only let me create a sequence at 10fps, but i think this was fast enough to still achieve the effect i wanted from my animation.

It was very easy on Imovie to cut a clip, as i could manipulate the frames to fit exactly with my music and vice versa. It made me feel more in control of my animation. 

FINAL ANIMATION.. really this time.

Im very happy with my final animation, I like the imperfections e.g. the lighting slightly changing and the jumpiness (a bit from the floor) because i think stop motion movies should be like that. 
There is quite a big contrast between the frames with lenny in and then the credits, because i only used one background and photoshopped letters onto it, so the image stays the same just more letters appear on it, making it very controlled and still. I suppose the contrast can be a good thing because it sort of ends the piece, starts to bring it to a close/ more still then finally one still image at the end.

In future i would like to have a complete set up i.e. a tripod/ some sort of camera stand so i can be in control more of the jumpiness and make it smoother if future projects needed me to do so.

The final animation seems quite small once uploaded onto here, which i'm really not sure why as on my laptop it is a larger image and a lot higher quality. I'm going to have to try and upload it onto youtube and see if i can improve the quality at all on there. Hopefully the quality stays the same as on my leptop when i upload it onto the hard drive at the final hand in!

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